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Outryder Farm
Contact: Lawrence Flick and Livia Wogan
Address: 3971 County Road 141B Interlaken, NY, 14847
Phone: 786-281-9075
About Us
Outryder Farm is an organic pasture based farm located in Interlaken, NY. We specialize in grass-fed lamb, organic pasture raised heritage breed poultry, forest raised whey fed pork and log grown shiitake mushrooms. Our practices are driven by a regenerative land ethic and a desire to raise our animals in a way that gives them the best possible life. We practice low stress stockmanship and traditional herding techniques with our two border collies to help keep our animals calm and healthy. We propagate our own trees and shrubs and plant as many as we can out on pasture to help sequester carbon and provide shade and wind breaks for our animals. We have a deep love for food, animals, trees, grasslands and mushrooms! Outryder Farm is how we bring all of those passions together and share them with you.
Our animals are moved daily out on pasture to provide recovery for our grasslands which helps build organic matter, sequester carbon and make for some dang good grass. Healthy soils make for great grass and great grass is the basis for great meat. Whether it’s grass finished lamb or grain fed poultry and pigs, a healthy grasslands teaming with a diversity of life translates to deeply nutritious meat. Adding trees into the mix means deeper roots, more carbon sequestration, and cooling shade for all of our animals. This means our farm is doing its small part to help mitigate climate change while providing nutrient dense food for our community. We are constantly striving to improve our standards of animal welfare. The goal is to give these animals the freedom and resources to thrive and express themselves without want or stress.