
Blair Creek Farm, LLC
Contact: Courtney & Kyle
Address: 1247 Blair Creek Road Little Marsh, PA, 16950
Phone: 570-439-0525
About Us
Blair Creek Farm, LLC is a small family farm located in beautiful Little Marsh, PA owned by Kyle Rouse and Courtney Case. Our young daughters farm alongside us, developing a deep love for agriculture and learning the importance of raising livestock in a way which allows us to harvest wholesome products for our family, and yours! We have built our entire lives around caring for animals, it is truly our passion. Courtney has a B.S. in Livestock Science and Management from Delaware Valley University, and Kyle has been raising beef cattle here on our farm his entire life. We have a small herd of Angus beef cows who graze on pasture along with being fed grain and our own hay in the winter months. In the spring, summer, and fall we raise broiler chickens who are pastured in tractors and moved to fresh, green grass daily and are harvested right here on our farm. Our small flock of Rhode Island Red laying hens are also pastured and lay beautiful brown eggs.
Our broiler chickens, beef cattle, and laying hens are pasture raised and grazed on nutrient rich, green grass that is never sprayed with chemicals. They are able to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air every day while being protected from the elements and predators. We never use antibiotics and always feed non-medicated grains to ensure a superior quality product for you to enjoy!