
High Mountain Coffee Co.
Contact: Urania Rodriguez & Josh Bogart
Address: 89 Rudys Rd New Albany, PA, 18833
Phone: 570-924-3366
About Us
At High Mountain coffee we provide quality 100% Arabica coffee grown by my family (the Rodriguez family) in El Majastre Honduras.
Our coffee is 100% shade grown using sustainable practices, including diversified shade trees to provide habitat for migrating bird populations.
We roast our coffee at our location in Sullivan County Pennsylvania.
For minimizing chemical usage. We use no herbicides in our coffee, all weed control is achieved through climatic or mechanical means, namely well placed shade trees and machetes. We do a single non systemic fungicide application in early rainy season to protect coffee during the initial stage of coffee rust propagation.
All of our coffee is shade grown and although not certified as Smithsonian bird friendly we did take their guidelines into consideration when we designed our shade. Instead of mono culture shade trees all of our coffee has at least 12 species per hectare. Including species important for migrating birds such as Baltimore oriels. We grow three varieties Bourbon, Villa Sarchi, and Paca. All are non hybrid varieties.
All of our coffee is shade grown and although not certified as Smithsonian bird friendly we did take their guidelines into consideration when we designed our shade. Instead of mono culture shade trees all of our coffee has at least 12 species per hectare. Including species important for migrating birds such as Baltimore oriels. We grow three varieties Bourbon, Villa Sarchi, and Paca. All are non hybrid varieties.