
Brown Brothers Farm
Address: 208 Williams Lane Ulster, PA, 18850
Phone: 570-529-3937
About Us
About Us:
Brown Brothers LLC started out of a love for learning and farming. It is owned by Trevor and Tucker Brown and is based outside of East Smithfield, PA. We grew up working on an organic practicing farm and have taken many of their practices and used them on our farm.
Brown Brothers LLC started out of a love for learning and farming. It is owned by Trevor and Tucker Brown and is based outside of East Smithfield, PA. We grew up working on an organic practicing farm and have taken many of their practices and used them on our farm.
Our beef is 100% grass fed and follows organic practices with not spraying any of the fields used for haying or pasturing. We strive to ensure the health and safety of our animals using a rotational mob grazing technique and no antibiotics. The produce we sell in season is chosen based on taste and quality over quantity, using organic, non-GMO seeds. In the future we hope to expand as God allows and will continue to grow and develop what He has given us.
Our beef is 100% grass fed and follows organic practices with not spraying any of the fields used for haying or pasturing. We strive to ensure the health and safety of our animals using a rotational mob grazing technique and no antibiotics. The produce we sell in season is chosen based on taste and quality over quantity, using organic, non-GMO seeds. In the future we hope to expand as God allows and will continue to grow and develop what He has given us.